Ensure that Vector::erase() returns a valid iterator

Vector::erase may reallocate the Vector's storage while removing an element.
However, erase() calls begin() before calling removeItemsAt(), thus caching
a pointer the the Vector's old storage.  If the storage is reallocated,
the iterator returned by erase() will be based on the old storage pointer
and will thus be invalid.

Change-Id: I2450c55fd418e6b1c558a4ca7c024573abbaa098
diff --git a/include/utils/Vector.h b/include/utils/Vector.h
index 7927328..f3020d6 100644
--- a/include/utils/Vector.h
+++ b/include/utils/Vector.h
@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@
      inline void push_back(const TYPE& item)  { insertAt(item, size(), 1); }
      inline void push_front(const TYPE& item) { insertAt(item, 0, 1); }
      inline iterator erase(iterator pos) {
-         return begin() + removeItemsAt(pos-array());
+         ssize_t index = removeItemsAt(pos-array());
+         return begin() + index;