Replace epoll() with poll() and rename PollLoop to Looper.

As part of this change, consolidated and cleaned up the Looper API so
that there are fewer distinctions between the NDK and non-NDK declarations
(no need for two callback types, etc.).

Removed the dependence on specific constants from sys/poll.h such as
POLLIN.  Instead looper.h defines events like LOOPER_EVENT_INPUT for
the events that it supports.  That should help make any future
under-the-hood implementation changes easier.

Fixed a couple of compiler warnings along the way.

Change-Id: I449a7ec780bf061bdd325452f823673e2b39b6ae
diff --git a/include/utils/Looper.h b/include/utils/Looper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92e4b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/utils/Looper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <utils/threads.h>
+#include <utils/RefBase.h>
+#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
+#include <android/looper.h>
+ * Declare a concrete type for the NDK's looper forward declaration.
+ */
+struct ALooper {
+namespace android {
+ * A polling loop that supports monitoring file descriptor events, optionally
+ * using callbacks.  The implementation uses epoll() internally.
+ *
+ * A looper can be associated with a thread although there is no requirement that it must be.
+ */
+class Looper : public ALooper, public RefBase {
+    virtual ~Looper();
+    /**
+     * Creates a looper.
+     *
+     * If allowNonCallbaks is true, the looper will allow file descriptors to be
+     * registered without associated callbacks.  This assumes that the caller of
+     * pollOnce() is prepared to handle callback-less events itself.
+     */
+    Looper(bool allowNonCallbacks);
+    /**
+     * Returns whether this looper instance allows the registration of file descriptors
+     * using identifiers instead of callbacks.
+     */
+    bool getAllowNonCallbacks() const;
+    /**
+     * Waits for events to be available, with optional timeout in milliseconds.
+     * Invokes callbacks for all file descriptors on which an event occurred.
+     *
+     * If the timeout is zero, returns immediately without blocking.
+     * If the timeout is negative, waits indefinitely until an event appears.
+     *
+     * Returns ALOOPER_POLL_WAKE if the poll was awoken using wake() before
+     * the timeout expired and no callbacks were invoked and no other file
+     * descriptors were ready.
+     *
+     * Returns ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK if one or more callbacks were invoked.
+     *
+     * Returns ALOOPER_POLL_TIMEOUT if there was no data before the given
+     * timeout expired.
+     *
+     * Returns ALOOPER_POLL_ERROR if an error occurred.
+     *
+     * Returns a value >= 0 containing an identifier if its file descriptor has data
+     * and it has no callback function (requiring the caller here to handle it).
+     * In this (and only this) case outFd, outEvents and outData will contain the poll
+     * events and data associated with the fd, otherwise they will be set to NULL.
+     *
+     * This method does not return until it has finished invoking the appropriate callbacks
+     * for all file descriptors that were signalled.
+     */
+    int pollOnce(int timeoutMillis,
+            int* outFd = NULL, int* outEvents = NULL, void** outData = NULL);
+    /**
+     * Like pollOnce(), but performs all pending callbacks until all
+     * data has been consumed or a file descriptor is available with no callback.
+     * This function will never return ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK.
+     */
+    int pollAll(int timeoutMillis,
+            int* outFd = NULL, int* outEvents = NULL, void** outData = NULL);
+    /**
+     * Wakes the poll asynchronously.
+     *
+     * This method can be called on any thread.
+     * This method returns immediately.
+     */
+    void wake();
+    /**
+     * Adds a new file descriptor to be polled by the looper.
+     * If the same file descriptor was previously added, it is replaced.
+     *
+     * "fd" is the file descriptor to be added.
+     * "ident" is an identifier for this event, which is returned from ALooper_pollOnce().
+     * The identifier must be >= 0, or ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK if providing a non-NULL callback.
+     * "events" are the poll events to wake up on.  Typically this is ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT.
+     * "callback" is the function to call when there is an event on the file descriptor.
+     * "data" is a private data pointer to supply to the callback.
+     *
+     * There are two main uses of this function:
+     *
+     * (1) If "callback" is non-NULL, then this function will be called when there is
+     * data on the file descriptor.  It should execute any events it has pending,
+     * appropriately reading from the file descriptor.  The 'ident' is ignored in this case.
+     *
+     * (2) If "callback" is NULL, the 'ident' will be returned by ALooper_pollOnce
+     * when its file descriptor has data available, requiring the caller to take
+     * care of processing it.
+     *
+     * Returns 1 if the file descriptor was added, 0 if the arguments were invalid.
+     *
+     * This method can be called on any thread.
+     * This method may block briefly if it needs to wake the poll.
+     */
+    int addFd(int fd, int ident,
+            int events, ALooper_callbackFunc callback, void* data = NULL);
+    /**
+     * Removes a previously added file descriptor from the looper.
+     *
+     * When this method returns, it is safe to close the file descriptor since the looper
+     * will no longer have a reference to it.  However, it is possible for the callback to
+     * already be running or for it to run one last time if the file descriptor was already
+     * signalled.  Calling code is responsible for ensuring that this case is safely handled.
+     * For example, if the callback takes care of removing itself during its own execution either
+     * by returning 0 or by calling this method, then it can be guaranteed to not be invoked
+     * again at any later time unless registered anew.
+     *
+     * Returns 1 if the file descriptor was removed, 0 if none was previously registered.
+     *
+     * This method can be called on any thread.
+     * This method may block briefly if it needs to wake the poll.
+     */
+    int removeFd(int fd);
+    /**
+     * Prepares a looper associated with the calling thread, and returns it.
+     * If the thread already has a looper, it is returned.  Otherwise, a new
+     * one is created, associated with the thread, and returned.
+     *
+     * The opts may be ALOOPER_PREPARE_ALLOW_NON_CALLBACKS or 0.
+     */
+    static sp<Looper> prepare(int opts);
+    /**
+     * Sets the given looper to be associated with the calling thread.
+     * If another looper is already associated with the thread, it is replaced.
+     *
+     * If "looper" is NULL, removes the currently associated looper.
+     */
+    static void setForThread(const sp<Looper>& looper);
+    /**
+     * Returns the looper associated with the calling thread, or NULL if
+     * there is not one.
+     */
+    static sp<Looper> getForThread();
+    struct Request {
+        int fd;
+        int ident;
+        ALooper_callbackFunc callback;
+        void* data;
+    };
+    struct Response {
+        int events;
+        Request request;
+    };
+    const bool mAllowNonCallbacks; // immutable
+    int mEpollFd; // immutable
+    int mWakeReadPipeFd;  // immutable
+    int mWakeWritePipeFd; // immutable
+    // Locked list of file descriptor monitoring requests.
+    Mutex mLock;
+    KeyedVector<int, Request> mRequests;
+    // This state is only used privately by pollOnce and does not require a lock since
+    // it runs on a single thread.
+    Vector<Response> mResponses;
+    size_t mResponseIndex;
+    int pollInner(int timeoutMillis);
+    static void threadDestructor(void *st);
+} // namespace android
+#endif // UTILS_LOOPER_H
diff --git a/include/utils/PollLoop.h b/include/utils/PollLoop.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c2dfe5d..0000000
--- a/include/utils/PollLoop.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <utils/Vector.h>
-#include <utils/threads.h>
-#include <sys/poll.h>
-#include <android/looper.h>
-struct ALooper : public android::RefBase {
-    virtual ~ALooper() { }
-    ALooper() { }
-namespace android {
- * A basic file descriptor polling loop based on poll() with callbacks.
- */
-class PollLoop : public ALooper {
-    virtual ~PollLoop();
-    PollLoop(bool allowNonCallbacks);
-    /**
-     * A callback that it to be invoked when an event occurs on a file descriptor.
-     * Specifies the events that were triggered and the user data provided when the
-     * callback was set.
-     *
-     * Returns true if the callback should be kept, false if it should be removed automatically
-     * after the callback returns.
-     */
-    typedef bool (*Callback)(int fd, int events, void* data);
-    enum {
-    };
-    /**
-     * Performs a single call to poll() with optional timeout in milliseconds.
-     * Invokes callbacks for all file descriptors on which an event occurred.
-     *
-     * If the timeout is zero, returns immediately without blocking.
-     * If the timeout is negative, waits indefinitely until awoken.
-     *
-     * Returns ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK if a callback was invoked.
-     *
-     * Returns ALOOPER_POLL_TIMEOUT if there was no data before the given
-     * timeout expired.
-     *
-     * Returns ALOPER_POLL_ERROR if an error occurred.
-     *
-     * Returns a value >= 0 containing a file descriptor if it has data
-     * and it has no callback function (requiring the caller here to handle it).
-     * In this (and only this) case outEvents and outData will contain the poll
-     * events and data associated with the fd.
-     *
-     * This method must only be called on the thread owning the PollLoop.
-     * This method blocks until either a file descriptor is signalled, a timeout occurs,
-     * or wake() is called.
-     * This method does not return until it has finished invoking the appropriate callbacks
-     * for all file descriptors that were signalled.
-     */
-    int32_t pollOnce(int timeoutMillis, int* outEvents = NULL, void** outData = NULL);
-    /**
-     * Wakes the loop asynchronously.
-     *
-     * This method can be called on any thread.
-     * This method returns immediately.
-     */
-    void wake();
-    /**
-     * Control whether this PollLoop instance allows using IDs instead
-     * of callbacks.
-     */
-    bool getAllowNonCallbacks() const;
-    /**
-     * Sets the callback for a file descriptor, replacing the existing one, if any.
-     * It is an error to call this method with events == 0 or callback == NULL.
-     *
-     * Note that a callback can be invoked with the POLLERR, POLLHUP or POLLNVAL events
-     * even if it is not explicitly requested when registered.
-     *
-     * This method can be called on any thread.
-     * This method may block briefly if it needs to wake the poll loop.
-     */
-    void setCallback(int fd, int ident, int events, Callback callback, void* data = NULL);
-    /**
-     * Convenience for above setCallback when ident is not used.  In this case
-     * the ident is set to POLL_CALLBACK.
-     */
-    void setCallback(int fd, int events, Callback callback, void* data = NULL);
-    /**
-     * Like setCallback(), but for the NDK callback function.
-     */
-    void setLooperCallback(int fd, int ident, int events, ALooper_callbackFunc* callback,
-            void* data);
-    /**
-     * Removes the callback for a file descriptor, if one exists.
-     *
-     * When this method returns, it is safe to close the file descriptor since the poll loop
-     * will no longer have a reference to it.  However, it is possible for the callback to
-     * already be running or for it to run one last time if the file descriptor was already
-     * signalled.  Calling code is responsible for ensuring that this case is safely handled.
-     * For example, if the callback takes care of removing itself during its own execution either
-     * by returning false or calling this method, then it can be guaranteed to not be invoked
-     * again at any later time unless registered anew.
-     *
-     * This method can be called on any thread.
-     * This method may block briefly if it needs to wake the poll loop.
-     *
-     * Returns true if a callback was actually removed, false if none was registered.
-     */
-    bool removeCallback(int fd);
-    /**
-     * Set the given PollLoop to be associated with the
-     * calling thread.  There must be a 1:1 relationship between
-     * PollLoop and thread.
-     */
-    static void setForThread(const sp<PollLoop>& pollLoop);
-    /**
-     * Return the PollLoop associated with the calling thread.
-     */
-    static sp<PollLoop> getForThread();
-    struct RequestedCallback {
-        Callback callback;
-        ALooper_callbackFunc* looperCallback;
-        int ident;
-        void* data;
-    };
-    struct PendingCallback {
-        int fd;
-        int ident;
-        int events;
-        Callback callback;
-        ALooper_callbackFunc* looperCallback;
-        void* data;
-    };
-    const bool mAllowNonCallbacks; // immutable
-    int mWakeReadPipeFd;  // immutable
-    int mWakeWritePipeFd; // immutable
-    // The lock guards state used to track whether there is a poll() in progress and whether
-    // there are any other threads waiting in wakeAndLock().  The condition variables
-    // are used to transfer control among these threads such that all waiters are
-    // serviced before a new poll can begin.
-    // The wakeAndLock() method increments mWaiters, wakes the poll, blocks on mAwake
-    // until mPolling becomes false, then decrements mWaiters again.
-    // The poll() method blocks on mResume until mWaiters becomes 0, then sets
-    // mPolling to true, blocks until the poll completes, then resets mPolling to false
-    // and signals mResume if there are waiters.
-    Mutex mLock;
-    bool mPolling;      // guarded by mLock
-    uint32_t mWaiters;  // guarded by mLock
-    Condition mAwake;   // guarded by mLock
-    Condition mResume;  // guarded by mLock
-    // The next two vectors are only mutated when mPolling is false since they must
-    // not be changed while the poll() system call is in progress.  To mutate these
-    // vectors, the poll() must first be awoken then the lock acquired.
-    Vector<struct pollfd> mRequestedFds;
-    Vector<RequestedCallback> mRequestedCallbacks;
-    // This state is only used privately by pollOnce and does not require a lock since
-    // it runs on a single thread.
-    Vector<PendingCallback> mPendingCallbacks;
-    Vector<PendingCallback> mPendingFds;
-    size_t mPendingFdsPos;
-    void openWakePipe();
-    void closeWakePipe();
-    void setCallbackCommon(int fd, int ident, int events, Callback callback,
-            ALooper_callbackFunc* looperCallback, void* data);
-    ssize_t getRequestIndexLocked(int fd);
-    void wakeAndLock();
-    static void threadDestructor(void *st);
-} // namespace android
-#endif // UTILS_POLL_LOOP_H
diff --git a/libs/utils/ b/libs/utils/
index 2e20268..eb75ed8 100644
--- a/libs/utils/
+++ b/libs/utils/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 	$(commonSources) \
 	BackupData.cpp \
 	BackupHelpers.cpp \
-	PollLoop.cpp
+	Looper.cpp
 ifeq ($(TARGET_OS),linux)
 LOCAL_LDLIBS += -lrt -ldl
diff --git a/libs/utils/Looper.cpp b/libs/utils/Looper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd287da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/utils/Looper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+// Copyright 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+// A looper implementation based on epoll().
+#define LOG_TAG "Looper"
+//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
+// Debugs poll and wake interactions.
+// Debugs callback registration and invocation.
+#include <cutils/log.h>
+#include <utils/Looper.h>
+#include <utils/Timers.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/epoll.h>
+namespace android {
+static pthread_mutex_t gTLSMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static bool gHaveTLS = false;
+static pthread_key_t gTLS = 0;
+// Hint for number of file descriptors to be associated with the epoll instance.
+static const int EPOLL_SIZE_HINT = 8;
+// Maximum number of file descriptors for which to retrieve poll events each iteration.
+static const int EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS = 16;
+Looper::Looper(bool allowNonCallbacks) :
+        mAllowNonCallbacks(allowNonCallbacks),
+        mResponseIndex(0) {
+    mEpollFd = epoll_create(EPOLL_SIZE_HINT);
+    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mEpollFd < 0, "Could not create epoll instance.  errno=%d", errno);
+    int wakeFds[2];
+    int result = pipe(wakeFds);
+    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(result != 0, "Could not create wake pipe.  errno=%d", errno);
+    mWakeReadPipeFd = wakeFds[0];
+    mWakeWritePipeFd = wakeFds[1];
+    result = fcntl(mWakeReadPipeFd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(result != 0, "Could not make wake read pipe non-blocking.  errno=%d",
+            errno);
+    result = fcntl(mWakeWritePipeFd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(result != 0, "Could not make wake write pipe non-blocking.  errno=%d",
+            errno);
+    struct epoll_event eventItem;
+ = mWakeReadPipeFd;
+    result = epoll_ctl(mEpollFd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, mWakeReadPipeFd, & eventItem);
+    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(result != 0, "Could not add wake read pipe to epoll instance.  errno=%d",
+            errno);
+Looper::~Looper() {
+    close(mWakeReadPipeFd);
+    close(mWakeWritePipeFd);
+    close(mEpollFd);
+void Looper::threadDestructor(void *st) {
+    Looper* const self = static_cast<Looper*>(st);
+    if (self != NULL) {
+        self->decStrong((void*)threadDestructor);
+    }
+void Looper::setForThread(const sp<Looper>& looper) {
+    sp<Looper> old = getForThread(); // also has side-effect of initializing TLS
+    if (looper != NULL) {
+        looper->incStrong((void*)threadDestructor);
+    }
+    pthread_setspecific(gTLS, looper.get());
+    if (old != NULL) {
+        old->decStrong((void*)threadDestructor);
+    }
+sp<Looper> Looper::getForThread() {
+    if (!gHaveTLS) {
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&gTLSMutex);
+        if (pthread_key_create(&gTLS, threadDestructor) != 0) {
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&gTLSMutex);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        gHaveTLS = true;
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&gTLSMutex);
+    }
+    return (Looper*)pthread_getspecific(gTLS);
+sp<Looper> Looper::prepare(int opts) {
+    bool allowNonCallbacks = opts & ALOOPER_PREPARE_ALLOW_NON_CALLBACKS;
+    sp<Looper> looper = Looper::getForThread();
+    if (looper == NULL) {
+        looper = new Looper(allowNonCallbacks);
+        Looper::setForThread(looper);
+    }
+    if (looper->getAllowNonCallbacks() != allowNonCallbacks) {
+        LOGW("Looper already prepared for this thread with a different value for the "
+                "ALOOPER_PREPARE_ALLOW_NON_CALLBACKS option.");
+    }
+    return looper;
+bool Looper::getAllowNonCallbacks() const {
+    return mAllowNonCallbacks;
+int Looper::pollOnce(int timeoutMillis, int* outFd, int* outEvents, void** outData) {
+    int result = 0;
+    for (;;) {
+        while (mResponseIndex < mResponses.size()) {
+            const Response& response = mResponses.itemAt(mResponseIndex++);
+            if (! response.request.callback) {
+                LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - returning signalled identifier %d: "
+                        "fd=%d, events=0x%x, data=%p", this,
+                        response.request.ident, response.request.fd,
+              ,;
+                if (outFd != NULL) *outFd = response.request.fd;
+                if (outEvents != NULL) *outEvents =;
+                if (outData != NULL) *outData =;
+                return response.request.ident;
+            }
+        }
+        if (result != 0) {
+            LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - returning result %d", this, result);
+            if (outFd != NULL) *outFd = 0;
+            if (outEvents != NULL) *outEvents = NULL;
+            if (outData != NULL) *outData = NULL;
+            return result;
+        }
+        result = pollInner(timeoutMillis);
+    }
+int Looper::pollInner(int timeoutMillis) {
+    LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - waiting: timeoutMillis=%d", this, timeoutMillis);
+    struct epoll_event eventItems[EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS];
+    int eventCount = epoll_wait(mEpollFd, eventItems, EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS, timeoutMillis);
+    if (eventCount < 0) {
+        if (errno != EINTR) {
+            LOGW("Poll failed with an unexpected error, errno=%d", errno);
+        }
+        return ALOOPER_POLL_ERROR;
+    }
+    if (eventCount == 0) {
+        LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - timeout", this);
+        return ALOOPER_POLL_TIMEOUT;
+    }
+    int result = ALOOPER_POLL_WAKE;
+    mResponses.clear();
+    mResponseIndex = 0;
+    LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - handling events from %d fds", this, eventCount);
+    { // acquire lock
+        AutoMutex _l(mLock);
+        for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) {
+            int fd = eventItems[i].data.fd;
+            uint32_t epollEvents = eventItems[i].events;
+            if (fd == mWakeReadPipeFd) {
+                if (epollEvents & EPOLLIN) {
+                    LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - awoken", this);
+                    char buffer[16];
+                    ssize_t nRead;
+                    do {
+                        nRead = read(mWakeReadPipeFd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+                    } while (nRead == sizeof(buffer));
+                } else {
+                    LOGW("Ignoring unexpected epoll events 0x%x on wake read pipe.", epollEvents);
+                }
+            } else {
+                ssize_t requestIndex = mRequests.indexOfKey(fd);
+                if (requestIndex >= 0) {
+                    int events = 0;
+                    if (epollEvents & EPOLLIN) events |= ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT;
+                    if (epollEvents & EPOLLOUT) events |= ALOOPER_EVENT_OUTPUT;
+                    if (epollEvents & EPOLLERR) events |= ALOOPER_EVENT_ERROR;
+                    if (epollEvents & EPOLLHUP) events |= ALOOPER_EVENT_HANGUP;
+                    Response response;
+           = events;
+                    response.request = mRequests.valueAt(requestIndex);
+                    mResponses.push(response);
+                } else {
+                    LOGW("Ignoring unexpected epoll events 0x%x on fd %d that is "
+                            "no longer registered.", epollEvents, fd);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < mResponses.size(); i++) {
+        const Response& response = mResponses.itemAt(i);
+        if (response.request.callback) {
+            LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - invoking callback: fd=%d, events=0x%x, data=%p", this,
+                    response.request.fd,,;
+            int callbackResult = response.request.callback(
+                    response.request.fd,,;
+            if (callbackResult == 0) {
+                removeFd(response.request.fd);
+            }
+            result = ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK;
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+int Looper::pollAll(int timeoutMillis, int* outFd, int* outEvents, void** outData) {
+    if (timeoutMillis <= 0) {
+        int result;
+        do {
+            result = pollOnce(timeoutMillis, outFd, outEvents, outData);
+        } while (result == ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK);
+        return result;
+    } else {
+        nsecs_t endTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC)
+                + milliseconds_to_nanoseconds(timeoutMillis);
+        for (;;) {
+            int result = pollOnce(timeoutMillis, outFd, outEvents, outData);
+            if (result != ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK) {
+                return result;
+            }
+            nsecs_t timeoutNanos = endTime - systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
+            if (timeoutNanos <= 0) {
+                return ALOOPER_POLL_TIMEOUT;
+            }
+            timeoutMillis = int(nanoseconds_to_milliseconds(timeoutNanos + 999999LL));
+        }
+    }
+void Looper::wake() {
+    LOGD("%p ~ wake", this);
+    ssize_t nWrite = write(mWakeWritePipeFd, "W", 1);
+    if (nWrite != 1) {
+        if (errno != EAGAIN) {
+            LOGW("Could not write wake signal, errno=%d", errno);
+        }
+    }
+int Looper::addFd(int fd, int ident, int events, ALooper_callbackFunc callback, void* data) {
+    LOGD("%p ~ addFd - fd=%d, ident=%d, events=0x%x, callback=%p, data=%p", this, fd, ident,
+            events, callback, data);
+    int epollEvents = 0;
+    if (events & ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT) epollEvents |= EPOLLIN;
+    if (events & ALOOPER_EVENT_OUTPUT) epollEvents |= EPOLLOUT;
+    if (events & ALOOPER_EVENT_ERROR) epollEvents |= EPOLLERR;
+    if (events & ALOOPER_EVENT_HANGUP) epollEvents |= EPOLLHUP;
+    if (epollEvents == 0) {
+        LOGE("Invalid attempt to set a callback with no selected poll events.");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (! callback) {
+        if (! mAllowNonCallbacks) {
+            LOGE("Invalid attempt to set NULL callback but not allowed for this looper.");
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if (ident < 0) {
+            LOGE("Invalid attempt to set NULL callback with ident <= 0.");
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    { // acquire lock
+        AutoMutex _l(mLock);
+        Request request;
+        request.fd = fd;
+        request.ident = ident;
+        request.callback = callback;
+ = data;
+        struct epoll_event eventItem;
+ = epollEvents;
+ = fd;
+        ssize_t requestIndex = mRequests.indexOfKey(fd);
+        if (requestIndex < 0) {
+            int epollResult = epoll_ctl(mEpollFd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, & eventItem);
+            if (epollResult < 0) {
+                LOGE("Error adding epoll events for fd %d, errno=%d", fd, errno);
+                return -1;
+            }
+            mRequests.add(fd, request);
+        } else {
+            int epollResult = epoll_ctl(mEpollFd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, & eventItem);
+            if (epollResult < 0) {
+                LOGE("Error modifying epoll events for fd %d, errno=%d", fd, errno);
+                return -1;
+            }
+            mRequests.replaceValueAt(requestIndex, request);
+        }
+    } // release lock
+    return 1;
+int Looper::removeFd(int fd) {
+    LOGD("%p ~ removeFd - fd=%d", this, fd);
+    { // acquire lock
+        AutoMutex _l(mLock);
+        ssize_t requestIndex = mRequests.indexOfKey(fd);
+        if (requestIndex < 0) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        int epollResult = epoll_ctl(mEpollFd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, NULL);
+        if (epollResult < 0) {
+            LOGE("Error removing epoll events for fd %d, errno=%d", fd, errno);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        mRequests.removeItemsAt(requestIndex);
+    } // request lock
+    return 1;
+} // namespace android
diff --git a/libs/utils/PollLoop.cpp b/libs/utils/PollLoop.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fe76cd0..0000000
--- a/libs/utils/PollLoop.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2010 The Android Open Source Project
-// A select loop implementation.
-#define LOG_TAG "PollLoop"
-//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
-// Debugs poll and wake interactions.
-// Debugs callback registration and invocation.
-#include <cutils/log.h>
-#include <utils/PollLoop.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-namespace android {
-static pthread_mutex_t gTLSMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static bool gHaveTLS = false;
-static pthread_key_t gTLS = 0;
-PollLoop::PollLoop(bool allowNonCallbacks) :
-        mAllowNonCallbacks(allowNonCallbacks), mPolling(false),
-        mWaiters(0), mPendingFdsPos(0) {
-    openWakePipe();
-PollLoop::~PollLoop() {
-    closeWakePipe();
-void PollLoop::threadDestructor(void *st) {
-    PollLoop* const self = static_cast<PollLoop*>(st);
-    if (self != NULL) {
-        self->decStrong((void*)threadDestructor);
-    }
-void PollLoop::setForThread(const sp<PollLoop>& pollLoop) {
-    sp<PollLoop> old = getForThread();
-    if (pollLoop != NULL) {
-        pollLoop->incStrong((void*)threadDestructor);
-    }
-    pthread_setspecific(gTLS, pollLoop.get());
-    if (old != NULL) {
-        old->decStrong((void*)threadDestructor);
-    }
-sp<PollLoop> PollLoop::getForThread() {
-    if (!gHaveTLS) {
-        pthread_mutex_lock(&gTLSMutex);
-        if (pthread_key_create(&gTLS, threadDestructor) != 0) {
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&gTLSMutex);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        gHaveTLS = true;
-        pthread_mutex_unlock(&gTLSMutex);
-    }
-    return (PollLoop*)pthread_getspecific(gTLS);
-void PollLoop::openWakePipe() {
-    int wakeFds[2];
-    int result = pipe(wakeFds);
-    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(result != 0, "Could not create wake pipe.  errno=%d", errno);
-    mWakeReadPipeFd = wakeFds[0];
-    mWakeWritePipeFd = wakeFds[1];
-    result = fcntl(mWakeReadPipeFd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
-    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(result != 0, "Could not make wake read pipe non-blocking.  errno=%d",
-            errno);
-    result = fcntl(mWakeWritePipeFd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
-    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(result != 0, "Could not make wake write pipe non-blocking.  errno=%d",
-            errno);
-    // Add the wake pipe to the head of the request list with a null callback.
-    struct pollfd requestedFd;
-    requestedFd.fd = mWakeReadPipeFd;
-    mRequestedFds.insertAt(requestedFd, 0);
-    RequestedCallback requestedCallback;
-    requestedCallback.callback = NULL;
-    requestedCallback.looperCallback = NULL;
-    requestedCallback.ident = 0;
- = NULL;
-    mRequestedCallbacks.insertAt(requestedCallback, 0);
-void PollLoop::closeWakePipe() {
-    close(mWakeReadPipeFd);
-    close(mWakeWritePipeFd);
-    // Note: We don't need to remove the poll structure or callback entry because this
-    //       method is currently only called by the destructor.
-int32_t PollLoop::pollOnce(int timeoutMillis, int* outEvents, void** outData) {
-    // If there are still pending fds from the last call, dispatch those
-    // first, to avoid an earlier fd from starving later ones.
-    const size_t pendingFdsCount = mPendingFds.size();
-    if (mPendingFdsPos < pendingFdsCount) {
-        const PendingCallback& pending = mPendingFds.itemAt(mPendingFdsPos);
-        mPendingFdsPos++;
-        if (outEvents != NULL) *outEvents =;
-        if (outData != NULL) *outData =;
-        return pending.ident;
-    }
-    // Wait for wakeAndLock() waiters to run then set mPolling to true.
-    mLock.lock();
-    while (mWaiters != 0) {
-        mResume.wait(mLock);
-    }
-    mPolling = true;
-    mLock.unlock();
-    // Poll.
-    int32_t result;
-    size_t requestedCount = mRequestedFds.size();
-    LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - waiting on %d fds", this, requestedCount);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < requestedCount; i++) {
-        LOGD("  fd %d - events %d", mRequestedFds[i].fd, mRequestedFds[i].events);
-    }
-    int respondedCount = poll(mRequestedFds.editArray(), requestedCount, timeoutMillis);
-    if (respondedCount == 0) {
-        // Timeout
-        LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - timeout", this);
-        result = POLL_TIMEOUT;
-        goto Done;
-    }
-    if (respondedCount < 0) {
-        // Error
-        LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - error, errno=%d", this, errno);
-        if (errno != EINTR) {
-            LOGW("Poll failed with an unexpected error, errno=%d", errno);
-        }
-        result = POLL_ERROR;
-        goto Done;
-    }
-    LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - handling responses from %d fds", this, respondedCount);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < requestedCount; i++) {
-        LOGD("  fd %d - events %d, revents %d", mRequestedFds[i].fd, mRequestedFds[i].events,
-                mRequestedFds[i].revents);
-    }
-    // Process the poll results.
-    mPendingCallbacks.clear();
-    mPendingFds.clear();
-    mPendingFdsPos = 0;
-    if (outEvents != NULL) *outEvents = 0;
-    if (outData != NULL) *outData = NULL;
-    result = POLL_CALLBACK;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < requestedCount; i++) {
-        const struct pollfd& requestedFd = mRequestedFds.itemAt(i);
-        short revents = requestedFd.revents;
-        if (revents) {
-            const RequestedCallback& requestedCallback = mRequestedCallbacks.itemAt(i);
-            PendingCallback pending;
-            pending.fd = requestedFd.fd;
-            pending.ident = requestedCallback.ident;
-   = revents;
-            pending.callback = requestedCallback.callback;
-            pending.looperCallback = requestedCallback.looperCallback;
-   =;
-            if (pending.callback || pending.looperCallback) {
-                mPendingCallbacks.push(pending);
-            } else if (pending.fd != mWakeReadPipeFd) {
-                if (result == POLL_CALLBACK) {
-                    result = pending.ident;
-                    if (outEvents != NULL) *outEvents =;
-                    if (outData != NULL) *outData =;
-                } else {
-                    mPendingFds.push(pending);
-                }
-            } else {
-                LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - awoken", this);
-                char buffer[16];
-                ssize_t nRead;
-                do {
-                    nRead = read(mWakeReadPipeFd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
-                } while (nRead == sizeof(buffer));
-            }
-            respondedCount -= 1;
-            if (respondedCount == 0) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Set mPolling to false and wake up the wakeAndLock() waiters.
-    mLock.lock();
-    mPolling = false;
-    if (mWaiters != 0) {
-        mAwake.broadcast();
-    }
-    mLock.unlock();
-    if (result == POLL_CALLBACK || result >= 0) {
-        size_t pendingCount = mPendingCallbacks.size();
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < pendingCount; i++) {
-            const PendingCallback& pendingCallback = mPendingCallbacks.itemAt(i);
-            LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - invoking callback for fd %d", this, pendingCallback.fd);
-            bool keep = true;
-            if (pendingCallback.callback != NULL) {
-                keep = pendingCallback.callback(pendingCallback.fd,,
-              ;
-            } else {
-                keep = pendingCallback.looperCallback(pendingCallback.fd,,
-               != 0;
-            }
-            if (! keep) {
-                removeCallback(pendingCallback.fd);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    LOGD("%p ~ pollOnce - done", this);
-    return result;
-void PollLoop::wake() {
-    LOGD("%p ~ wake", this);
-    ssize_t nWrite = write(mWakeWritePipeFd, "W", 1);
-    if (nWrite != 1) {
-        if (errno != EAGAIN) {
-            LOGW("Could not write wake signal, errno=%d", errno);
-        }
-    }
-bool PollLoop::getAllowNonCallbacks() const {
-    return mAllowNonCallbacks;
-void PollLoop::setCallback(int fd, int ident, int events, Callback callback, void* data) {
-    setCallbackCommon(fd, ident, events, callback, NULL, data);
-void PollLoop::setCallback(int fd, int events, Callback callback, void* data) {
-    setCallbackCommon(fd, POLL_CALLBACK, events, callback, NULL, data);
-void PollLoop::setLooperCallback(int fd, int ident, int events, ALooper_callbackFunc* callback,
-        void* data) {
-    setCallbackCommon(fd, ident, events, NULL, callback, data);
-void PollLoop::setCallbackCommon(int fd, int ident, int events, Callback callback,
-        ALooper_callbackFunc* looperCallback, void* data) {
-    LOGD("%p ~ setCallback - fd=%d, events=%d", this, fd, events);
-    if (! events) {
-        LOGE("Invalid attempt to set a callback with no selected poll events.");
-        removeCallback(fd);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (! callback && ! looperCallback && ! mAllowNonCallbacks) {
-        LOGE("Invalid attempt to set NULL callback but not allowed.");
-        removeCallback(fd);
-        return;
-    }
-    wakeAndLock();
-    struct pollfd requestedFd;
-    requestedFd.fd = fd;
- = events;
-    RequestedCallback requestedCallback;
-    requestedCallback.callback = callback;
-    requestedCallback.looperCallback = looperCallback;
-    requestedCallback.ident = ident;
- = data;
-    ssize_t index = getRequestIndexLocked(fd);
-    if (index < 0) {
-        mRequestedFds.push(requestedFd);
-        mRequestedCallbacks.push(requestedCallback);
-    } else {
-        mRequestedFds.replaceAt(requestedFd, size_t(index));
-        mRequestedCallbacks.replaceAt(requestedCallback, size_t(index));
-    }
-    mLock.unlock();
-bool PollLoop::removeCallback(int fd) {
-    LOGD("%p ~ removeCallback - fd=%d", this, fd);
-    wakeAndLock();
-    ssize_t index = getRequestIndexLocked(fd);
-    if (index >= 0) {
-        mRequestedFds.removeAt(size_t(index));
-        mRequestedCallbacks.removeAt(size_t(index));
-    }
-    mLock.unlock();
-    return index >= 0;
-ssize_t PollLoop::getRequestIndexLocked(int fd) {
-    size_t requestCount = mRequestedFds.size();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < requestCount; i++) {
-        if (mRequestedFds.itemAt(i).fd == fd) {
-            return i;
-        }
-    }
-    return -1;
-void PollLoop::wakeAndLock() {
-    mLock.lock();
-    mWaiters += 1;
-    while (mPolling) {
-        wake();
-        mAwake.wait(mLock);
-    }
-    mWaiters -= 1;
-    if (mWaiters == 0) {
-        mResume.signal();
-    }
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/libs/utils/tests/ b/libs/utils/tests/
index 725de9c..00077ee 100644
--- a/libs/utils/tests/
+++ b/libs/utils/tests/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 # Build the unit tests.
 test_src_files := \
 	ObbFile_test.cpp \
-	PollLoop_test.cpp \
+	Looper_test.cpp \
 shared_libraries := \
diff --git a/libs/utils/tests/Looper_test.cpp b/libs/utils/tests/Looper_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afc92f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/utils/tests/Looper_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+// Copyright 2010 The Android Open Source Project
+#include <utils/Looper.h>
+#include <utils/Timers.h>
+#include <utils/StopWatch.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "TestHelpers.h"
+// # of milliseconds to fudge stopwatch measurements
+namespace android {
+class DelayedWake : public DelayedTask {
+    sp<Looper> mLooper;
+    DelayedWake(int delayMillis, const sp<Looper> looper) :
+        DelayedTask(delayMillis), mLooper(looper) {
+    }
+    virtual void doTask() {
+        mLooper->wake();
+    }
+class DelayedWriteSignal : public DelayedTask {
+    Pipe* mPipe;
+    DelayedWriteSignal(int delayMillis, Pipe* pipe) :
+        DelayedTask(delayMillis), mPipe(pipe) {
+    }
+    virtual void doTask() {
+        mPipe->writeSignal();
+    }
+class CallbackHandler {
+    void setCallback(const sp<Looper>& looper, int fd, int events) {
+        looper->addFd(fd, 0, events, staticHandler, this);
+    }
+    virtual ~CallbackHandler() { }
+    virtual int handler(int fd, int events) = 0;
+    static int staticHandler(int fd, int events, void* data) {
+        return static_cast<CallbackHandler*>(data)->handler(fd, events);
+    }
+class StubCallbackHandler : public CallbackHandler {
+    int nextResult;
+    int callbackCount;
+    int fd;
+    int events;
+    StubCallbackHandler(int nextResult) : nextResult(nextResult),
+            callbackCount(0), fd(-1), events(-1) {
+    }
+    virtual int handler(int fd, int events) {
+        callbackCount += 1;
+        this->fd = fd;
+        this->events = events;
+        return nextResult;
+    }
+class LooperTest : public testing::Test {
+    sp<Looper> mLooper;
+    virtual void SetUp() {
+        mLooper = new Looper(true);
+    }
+    virtual void TearDown() {
+        mLooper.clear();
+    }
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndNotAwoken_WaitsForTimeout) {
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(100);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+    EXPECT_NEAR(100, elapsedMillis, TIMING_TOLERANCE_MS)
+            << "elapsed time should approx. equal timeout";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_TIMEOUT";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndAwokenBeforeWaiting_ImmediatelyReturns) {
+    mLooper->wake();
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(1000);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+            << "elapsed time should approx. zero because wake() was called before waiting";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK because loop was awoken";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndAwokenWhileWaiting_PromptlyReturns) {
+    sp<DelayedWake> delayedWake = new DelayedWake(100, mLooper);
+    delayedWake->run();
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(1000);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+    EXPECT_NEAR(100, elapsedMillis, TIMING_TOLERANCE_MS)
+            << "elapsed time should approx. equal wake delay";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK because loop was awoken";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenZeroTimeoutAndNoRegisteredFDs_ImmediatelyReturns) {
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(0);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+            << "elapsed time should be approx. zero";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_TIMEOUT";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenZeroTimeoutAndNoSignalledFDs_ImmediatelyReturns) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
+    handler.setCallback(mLooper, pipe.receiveFd, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT);
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(0);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+            << "elapsed time should be approx. zero";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_TIMEOUT";
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, handler.callbackCount)
+            << "callback should not have been invoked because FD was not signalled";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenZeroTimeoutAndSignalledFD_ImmediatelyInvokesCallbackAndReturns) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
+    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.writeSignal());
+    handler.setCallback(mLooper, pipe.receiveFd, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT);
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(0);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+            << "elapsed time should be approx. zero";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK because FD was signalled";
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.callbackCount)
+            << "callback should be invoked exactly once";
+    EXPECT_EQ(pipe.receiveFd, handler.fd)
+            << "callback should have received pipe fd as parameter";
+            << "callback should have received ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT as events";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndNoSignalledFDs_WaitsForTimeoutAndReturns) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
+    handler.setCallback(mLooper, pipe.receiveFd, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT);
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(100);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+    EXPECT_NEAR(100, elapsedMillis, TIMING_TOLERANCE_MS)
+            << "elapsed time should approx. equal timeout";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_TIMEOUT";
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, handler.callbackCount)
+            << "callback should not have been invoked because FD was not signalled";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndSignalledFDBeforeWaiting_ImmediatelyInvokesCallbackAndReturns) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
+    pipe.writeSignal();
+    handler.setCallback(mLooper, pipe.receiveFd, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT);
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(100);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
+            << "signal should actually have been written";
+            << "elapsed time should be approx. zero";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK because FD was signalled";
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.callbackCount)
+            << "callback should be invoked exactly once";
+    EXPECT_EQ(pipe.receiveFd, handler.fd)
+            << "callback should have received pipe fd as parameter";
+            << "callback should have received ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT as events";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndSignalledFDWhileWaiting_PromptlyInvokesCallbackAndReturns) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
+    sp<DelayedWriteSignal> delayedWriteSignal = new DelayedWriteSignal(100, & pipe);
+    handler.setCallback(mLooper, pipe.receiveFd, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT);
+    delayedWriteSignal->run();
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(1000);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
+            << "signal should actually have been written";
+    EXPECT_NEAR(100, elapsedMillis, TIMING_TOLERANCE_MS)
+            << "elapsed time should approx. equal signal delay";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK because FD was signalled";
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.callbackCount)
+            << "callback should be invoked exactly once";
+    EXPECT_EQ(pipe.receiveFd, handler.fd)
+            << "callback should have received pipe fd as parameter";
+            << "callback should have received ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT as events";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenCallbackAddedThenRemoved_CallbackShouldNotBeInvoked) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
+    handler.setCallback(mLooper, pipe.receiveFd, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT);
+    pipe.writeSignal(); // would cause FD to be considered signalled
+    mLooper->removeFd(pipe.receiveFd);
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(100);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
+            << "signal should actually have been written";
+    EXPECT_NEAR(100, elapsedMillis, TIMING_TOLERANCE_MS)
+            << "elapsed time should approx. equal timeout because FD was no longer registered";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_TIMEOUT";
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, handler.callbackCount)
+            << "callback should not be invoked";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenCallbackReturnsFalse_CallbackShouldNotBeInvokedAgainLater) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    StubCallbackHandler handler(false);
+    handler.setCallback(mLooper, pipe.receiveFd, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT);
+    // First loop: Callback is registered and FD is signalled.
+    pipe.writeSignal();
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(0);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
+            << "signal should actually have been written";
+            << "elapsed time should approx. equal zero because FD was already signalled";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK because FD was signalled";
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.callbackCount)
+            << "callback should be invoked";
+    // Second loop: Callback is no longer registered and FD is signalled.
+    pipe.writeSignal();
+    stopWatch.reset();
+    result = mLooper->pollOnce(0);
+    elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
+            << "signal should actually have been written";
+            << "elapsed time should approx. equal zero because timeout was zero";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_TIMEOUT";
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.callbackCount)
+            << "callback should not be invoked this time";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenNonCallbackFdIsSignalled_ReturnsIdent) {
+    const int expectedIdent = 5;
+    void* expectedData = this;
+    Pipe pipe;
+    pipe.writeSignal();
+    mLooper->addFd(pipe.receiveFd, expectedIdent, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT, NULL, expectedData);
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int fd;
+    int events;
+    void* data;
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(100, &fd, &events, &data);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
+            << "signal should actually have been written";
+            << "elapsed time should be approx. zero";
+    EXPECT_EQ(expectedIdent, result)
+            << "pollOnce result should be the ident of the FD that was signalled";
+    EXPECT_EQ(pipe.receiveFd, fd)
+            << "pollOnce should have returned the received pipe fd";
+            << "pollOnce should have returned ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT as events";
+    EXPECT_EQ(expectedData, data)
+            << "pollOnce should have returned the data";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, AddFd_WhenCallbackAdded_ReturnsOne) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    int result = mLooper->addFd(pipe.receiveFd, 0, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT, NULL, NULL);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, result)
+            << "addFd should return 1 because FD was added";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, AddFd_WhenEventsIsZero_ReturnsError) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    int result = mLooper->addFd(pipe.receiveFd, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-1, result)
+            << "addFd should return -1 because arguments were invalid";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, AddFd_WhenIdentIsNegativeAndCallbackIsNull_ReturnsError) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    int result = mLooper->addFd(pipe.receiveFd, -1, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT, NULL, NULL);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-1, result)
+            << "addFd should return -1 because arguments were invalid";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, AddFd_WhenNoCallbackAndAllowNonCallbacksIsFalse_ReturnsError) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    sp<Looper> looper = new Looper(false /*allowNonCallbacks*/);
+    int result = looper->addFd(pipe.receiveFd, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
+    EXPECT_EQ(-1, result)
+            << "addFd should return -1 because arguments were invalid";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, RemoveFd_WhenCallbackNotAdded_ReturnsZero) {
+    int result = mLooper->removeFd(1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, result)
+            << "removeFd should return 0 because FD not registered";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, RemoveFd_WhenCallbackAddedThenRemovedTwice_ReturnsOnceFirstTimeAndReturnsZeroSecondTime) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    StubCallbackHandler handler(false);
+    handler.setCallback(mLooper, pipe.receiveFd, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT);
+    // First time.
+    int result = mLooper->removeFd(pipe.receiveFd);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, result)
+            << "removeFd should return 1 first time because FD was registered";
+    // Second time.
+    result = mLooper->removeFd(pipe.receiveFd);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, result)
+            << "removeFd should return 0 second time because FD was no longer registered";
+TEST_F(LooperTest, PollOnce_WhenCallbackAddedTwice_OnlySecondCallbackShouldBeInvoked) {
+    Pipe pipe;
+    StubCallbackHandler handler1(true);
+    StubCallbackHandler handler2(true);
+    handler1.setCallback(mLooper, pipe.receiveFd, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT);
+    handler2.setCallback(mLooper, pipe.receiveFd, ALOOPER_EVENT_INPUT); // replace it
+    pipe.writeSignal(); // would cause FD to be considered signalled
+    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
+    int result = mLooper->pollOnce(100);
+    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
+    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
+            << "signal should actually have been written";
+            << "elapsed time should approx. zero because FD was already signalled";
+            << "pollOnce result should be ALOOPER_POLL_CALLBACK because FD was signalled";
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, handler1.callbackCount)
+            << "original handler callback should not be invoked because it was replaced";
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler2.callbackCount)
+            << "replacement handler callback should be invoked";
+} // namespace android
diff --git a/libs/utils/tests/PollLoop_test.cpp b/libs/utils/tests/PollLoop_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f1808..0000000
--- a/libs/utils/tests/PollLoop_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2010 The Android Open Source Project
-#include <utils/PollLoop.h>
-#include <utils/Timers.h>
-#include <utils/StopWatch.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "TestHelpers.h"
-// # of milliseconds to fudge stopwatch measurements
-namespace android {
-class DelayedWake : public DelayedTask {
-    sp<PollLoop> mPollLoop;
-    DelayedWake(int delayMillis, const sp<PollLoop> pollLoop) :
-        DelayedTask(delayMillis), mPollLoop(pollLoop) {
-    }
-    virtual void doTask() {
-        mPollLoop->wake();
-    }
-class DelayedWriteSignal : public DelayedTask {
-    Pipe* mPipe;
-    DelayedWriteSignal(int delayMillis, Pipe* pipe) :
-        DelayedTask(delayMillis), mPipe(pipe) {
-    }
-    virtual void doTask() {
-        mPipe->writeSignal();
-    }
-class CallbackHandler {
-    void setCallback(const sp<PollLoop>& pollLoop, int fd, int events) {
-        pollLoop->setCallback(fd, events, staticHandler, this);
-    }
-    virtual ~CallbackHandler() { }
-    virtual bool handler(int fd, int events) = 0;
-    static bool staticHandler(int fd, int events, void* data) {
-        return static_cast<CallbackHandler*>(data)->handler(fd, events);
-    }
-class StubCallbackHandler : public CallbackHandler {
-    bool nextResult;
-    int callbackCount;
-    int fd;
-    int events;
-    StubCallbackHandler(bool nextResult) : nextResult(nextResult),
-            callbackCount(0), fd(-1), events(-1) {
-    }
-    virtual bool handler(int fd, int events) {
-        callbackCount += 1;
-        this->fd = fd;
-        this->events = events;
-        return nextResult;
-    }
-class PollLoopTest : public testing::Test {
-    sp<PollLoop> mPollLoop;
-    virtual void SetUp() {
-        mPollLoop = new PollLoop(false);
-    }
-    virtual void TearDown() {
-        mPollLoop.clear();
-    }
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndNotAwoken_WaitsForTimeoutAndReturnsFalse) {
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(100);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-    EXPECT_NEAR(100, elapsedMillis, TIMING_TOLERANCE_MS)
-            << "elapsed time should approx. equal timeout";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_TIMEOUT)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_TIMEOUT";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndAwokenBeforeWaiting_ImmediatelyReturnsTrue) {
-    mPollLoop->wake();
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(1000);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-            << "elapsed time should approx. zero because wake() was called before waiting";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_CALLBACK)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_CALLBACK because loop was awoken";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndAwokenWhileWaiting_PromptlyReturnsTrue) {
-    sp<DelayedWake> delayedWake = new DelayedWake(100, mPollLoop);
-    delayedWake->run();
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(1000);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-    EXPECT_NEAR(100, elapsedMillis, TIMING_TOLERANCE_MS)
-            << "elapsed time should approx. equal wake delay";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_CALLBACK)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_CALLBACK because loop was awoken";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenZeroTimeoutAndNoRegisteredFDs_ImmediatelyReturnsFalse) {
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(0);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-            << "elapsed time should be approx. zero";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_TIMEOUT)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_TIMEOUT";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenZeroTimeoutAndNoSignalledFDs_ImmediatelyReturnsFalse) {
-    Pipe pipe;
-    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
-    handler.setCallback(mPollLoop, pipe.receiveFd, POLL_IN);
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(0);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-            << "elapsed time should be approx. zero";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_TIMEOUT)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_TIMEOUT";
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, handler.callbackCount)
-            << "callback should not have been invoked because FD was not signalled";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenZeroTimeoutAndSignalledFD_ImmediatelyInvokesCallbackAndReturnsTrue) {
-    Pipe pipe;
-    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
-    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.writeSignal());
-    handler.setCallback(mPollLoop, pipe.receiveFd, POLL_IN);
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(0);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-            << "elapsed time should be approx. zero";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_CALLBACK)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_CALLBACK because FD was signalled";
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.callbackCount)
-            << "callback should be invoked exactly once";
-    EXPECT_EQ(pipe.receiveFd, handler.fd)
-            << "callback should have received pipe fd as parameter";
-            << "callback should have received POLL_IN as events";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndNoSignalledFDs_WaitsForTimeoutAndReturnsFalse) {
-    Pipe pipe;
-    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
-    handler.setCallback(mPollLoop, pipe.receiveFd, POLL_IN);
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(100);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-    EXPECT_NEAR(100, elapsedMillis, TIMING_TOLERANCE_MS)
-            << "elapsed time should approx. equal timeout";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_TIMEOUT)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_TIMEOUT";
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, handler.callbackCount)
-            << "callback should not have been invoked because FD was not signalled";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndSignalledFDBeforeWaiting_ImmediatelyInvokesCallbackAndReturnsTrue) {
-    Pipe pipe;
-    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
-    pipe.writeSignal();
-    handler.setCallback(mPollLoop, pipe.receiveFd, POLL_IN);
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(100);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
-            << "signal should actually have been written";
-            << "elapsed time should be approx. zero";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_CALLBACK)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_CALLBACK because FD was signalled";
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.callbackCount)
-            << "callback should be invoked exactly once";
-    EXPECT_EQ(pipe.receiveFd, handler.fd)
-            << "callback should have received pipe fd as parameter";
-            << "callback should have received POLL_IN as events";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenNonZeroTimeoutAndSignalledFDWhileWaiting_PromptlyInvokesCallbackAndReturnsTrue) {
-    Pipe pipe;
-    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
-    sp<DelayedWriteSignal> delayedWriteSignal = new DelayedWriteSignal(100, & pipe);
-    handler.setCallback(mPollLoop, pipe.receiveFd, POLL_IN);
-    delayedWriteSignal->run();
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(1000);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
-            << "signal should actually have been written";
-    EXPECT_NEAR(100, elapsedMillis, TIMING_TOLERANCE_MS)
-            << "elapsed time should approx. equal signal delay";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_CALLBACK)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_CALLBACK because FD was signalled";
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.callbackCount)
-            << "callback should be invoked exactly once";
-    EXPECT_EQ(pipe.receiveFd, handler.fd)
-            << "callback should have received pipe fd as parameter";
-            << "callback should have received POLL_IN as events";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenCallbackAddedThenRemoved_CallbackShouldNotBeInvoked) {
-    Pipe pipe;
-    StubCallbackHandler handler(true);
-    handler.setCallback(mPollLoop, pipe.receiveFd, POLL_IN);
-    pipe.writeSignal(); // would cause FD to be considered signalled
-    mPollLoop->removeCallback(pipe.receiveFd);
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(100);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
-            << "signal should actually have been written";
-    EXPECT_NEAR(100, elapsedMillis, TIMING_TOLERANCE_MS)
-            << "elapsed time should approx. equal timeout because FD was no longer registered";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_TIMEOUT)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_TIMEOUT";
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, handler.callbackCount)
-            << "callback should not be invoked";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenCallbackReturnsFalse_CallbackShouldNotBeInvokedAgainLater) {
-    Pipe pipe;
-    StubCallbackHandler handler(false);
-    handler.setCallback(mPollLoop, pipe.receiveFd, POLL_IN);
-    // First loop: Callback is registered and FD is signalled.
-    pipe.writeSignal();
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(0);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
-            << "signal should actually have been written";
-            << "elapsed time should approx. equal zero because FD was already signalled";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_CALLBACK)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_CALLBACK because FD was signalled";
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.callbackCount)
-            << "callback should be invoked";
-    // Second loop: Callback is no longer registered and FD is signalled.
-    pipe.writeSignal();
-    stopWatch.reset();
-    result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(0);
-    elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
-            << "signal should actually have been written";
-            << "elapsed time should approx. equal zero because timeout was zero";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_TIMEOUT)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_TIMEOUT";
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.callbackCount)
-            << "callback should not be invoked this time";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, RemoveCallback_WhenCallbackNotAdded_ReturnsFalse) {
-    bool result = mPollLoop->removeCallback(1);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(result)
-            << "removeCallback should return false because FD not registered";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, RemoveCallback_WhenCallbackAddedThenRemovedTwice_ReturnsTrueFirstTimeAndReturnsFalseSecondTime) {
-    Pipe pipe;
-    StubCallbackHandler handler(false);
-    handler.setCallback(mPollLoop, pipe.receiveFd, POLL_IN);
-    // First time.
-    bool result = mPollLoop->removeCallback(pipe.receiveFd);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(result)
-            << "removeCallback should return true first time because FD was registered";
-    // Second time.
-    result = mPollLoop->removeCallback(pipe.receiveFd);
-    EXPECT_FALSE(result)
-            << "removeCallback should return false second time because FD was no longer registered";
-TEST_F(PollLoopTest, PollOnce_WhenCallbackAddedTwice_OnlySecondCallbackShouldBeInvoked) {
-    Pipe pipe;
-    StubCallbackHandler handler1(true);
-    StubCallbackHandler handler2(true);
-    handler1.setCallback(mPollLoop, pipe.receiveFd, POLL_IN);
-    handler2.setCallback(mPollLoop, pipe.receiveFd, POLL_IN); // replace it
-    pipe.writeSignal(); // would cause FD to be considered signalled
-    StopWatch stopWatch("pollOnce");
-    int32_t result = mPollLoop->pollOnce(100);
-    int32_t elapsedMillis = ns2ms(stopWatch.elapsedTime());
-    ASSERT_EQ(OK, pipe.readSignal())
-            << "signal should actually have been written";
-            << "elapsed time should approx. zero because FD was already signalled";
-    EXPECT_EQ(result, PollLoop::POLL_CALLBACK)
-            << "pollOnce result should be POLL_CALLBACK because FD was signalled";
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, handler1.callbackCount)
-            << "original handler callback should not be invoked because it was replaced";
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, handler2.callbackCount)
-            << "replacement handler callback should be invoked";
-} // namespace android