Preliminary struct and union support.

Working features:
 - struct
 - union
 - nested structs
 - anonymous structs
 - forward declarations
 - '.' and '->'
 - copying structs using '='

Missing features:
 - passing structs by value
 - returning structs by value
 - typedef
 - sizeof


struct v {float x, y, z, w; };

void add(struct v* result, struct v* a, struct v* b) {
    result->x = a->x + b->x;
    result->y = a->y + b->y;
    result->z = a->z + b->z;
    result->w = a->w + b->w;

Reworked size-of and alignment logic to support structs.

Improved encoding of ARM immediate constants.
3 files changed