Allow AID_BLUETOOTH to update persist.service.bdroid

When devices are provisioned, bd address path is set in
On devices where this property is not present, a random bd address is
generated and saved to the property: persist.service.bdroid.bdaddr
This change allows bluetooth process to update this property
bug 6885309

Change-Id: I2e8a2471a0e890da82e6bbec6a2ef67ec8e1f8f4
diff --git a/init/property_service.c b/init/property_service.c
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 4ee86c0..b092077
--- a/init/property_service.c
+++ b/init/property_service.c
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
     { "persist.sys.",     AID_SYSTEM,   0 },
     { "persist.service.", AID_SYSTEM,   0 },
     { "", AID_SYSTEM,   0 },
+    { "persist.service.bdroid.", AID_BLUETOOTH,   0 },
     { NULL, 0, 0 }