auto import from //depot/cupcake/@135843
diff --git a/include/utils/threads.h b/include/utils/threads.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dca810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/utils/threads.h
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <time.h>
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// C API
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef void* android_thread_id_t;
+typedef int (*android_thread_func_t)(void*);
+enum {
+    /*
+     * ***********************************************
+     * ** Keep in sync with **
+     * ***********************************************
+     * 
+     * This maps directly to the "nice" priorites we use in Android.
+     * A thread priority should be chosen inverse-proportinally to
+     * the amount of work the thread is expected to do. The more work
+     * a thread will do, the less favorable priority it should get so that 
+     * it doesn't starve the system. Threads not behaving properly might
+     * be "punished" by the kernel.
+     * Use the levels below when appropriate. Intermediate values are
+     * acceptable, preferably use the {MORE|LESS}_FAVORABLE constants below.
+     */
+    ANDROID_PRIORITY_LOWEST         =  19,
+    /* use for background tasks */
+    /* most threads run at normal priority */
+    ANDROID_PRIORITY_NORMAL         =   0,
+    /* threads currently running a UI that the user is interacting with */
+    /* the main UI thread has a slightly more favorable priority */
+    /* ui service treads might want to run at a urgent display (uncommon) */
+    /* all normal audio threads */
+    ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO          = -16,
+    /* service audio threads (uncommon) */
+    /* should never be used in practice. regular process might not 
+     * be allowed to use this level */
+// Create and run a new thread.
+extern int androidCreateThread(android_thread_func_t, void *);
+// Create thread with lots of parameters
+extern int androidCreateThreadEtc(android_thread_func_t entryFunction,
+                                  void *userData,
+                                  const char* threadName,
+                                  int32_t threadPriority,
+                                  size_t threadStackSize,
+                                  android_thread_id_t *threadId);
+// Get some sort of unique identifier for the current thread.
+extern android_thread_id_t androidGetThreadId();
+// Low-level thread creation -- never creates threads that can
+// interact with the Java VM.
+extern int androidCreateRawThreadEtc(android_thread_func_t entryFunction,
+                                     void *userData,
+                                     const char* threadName,
+                                     int32_t threadPriority,
+                                     size_t threadStackSize,
+                                     android_thread_id_t *threadId);
+// Used by the Java Runtime to control how threads are created, so that
+// they can be proper and lovely Java threads.
+typedef int (*android_create_thread_fn)(android_thread_func_t entryFunction,
+                                        void *userData,
+                                        const char* threadName,
+                                        int32_t threadPriority,
+                                        size_t threadStackSize,
+                                        android_thread_id_t *threadId);
+extern void androidSetCreateThreadFunc(android_create_thread_fn func);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// C++ API
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <utils/Errors.h>
+#include <utils/RefBase.h>
+#include <utils/Timers.h>
+namespace android {
+typedef android_thread_id_t thread_id_t;
+typedef android_thread_func_t thread_func_t;
+enum {
+// Create and run a new thread.
+inline bool createThread(thread_func_t f, void *a) {
+    return androidCreateThread(f, a) ? true : false;
+// Create thread with lots of parameters
+inline bool createThreadEtc(thread_func_t entryFunction,
+                            void *userData,
+                            const char* threadName = "android:unnamed_thread",
+                            int32_t threadPriority = PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
+                            size_t threadStackSize = 0,
+                            thread_id_t *threadId = 0)
+    return androidCreateThreadEtc(entryFunction, userData, threadName,
+        threadPriority, threadStackSize, threadId) ? true : false;
+// Get some sort of unique identifier for the current thread.
+inline thread_id_t getThreadId() {
+    return androidGetThreadId();
+ * Simple mutex class.  The implementation is system-dependent.
+ *
+ * The mutex must be unlocked by the thread that locked it.  They are not
+ * recursive, i.e. the same thread can't lock it multiple times.
+ */
+class Mutex {
+                Mutex();
+                Mutex(const char* name);
+                ~Mutex();
+    // lock or unlock the mutex
+    status_t    lock();
+    void        unlock();
+    // lock if possible; returns 0 on success, error otherwise
+    status_t    tryLock();
+    // Manages the mutex automatically. It'll be locked when Autolock is
+    // constructed and released when Autolock goes out of scope.
+    class Autolock {
+    public:
+        inline Autolock(Mutex& mutex) : mpMutex(&mutex) { mutex.lock(); }
+        inline Autolock(Mutex* mutex) : mpMutex(mutex) { mutex->lock(); }
+        inline ~Autolock() { mpMutex->unlock(); }
+    private:
+        Mutex*  mpMutex;
+    };
+    friend class Condition;
+    // A mutex cannot be copied
+                Mutex(const Mutex&);
+    Mutex&      operator = (const Mutex&);
+    void        _init();
+    void*   mState;
+ * Automatic mutex.  Declare one of these at the top of a function.
+ * When the function returns, it will go out of scope, and release the
+ * mutex.
+ */
+typedef Mutex::Autolock AutoMutex;
+ * Condition variable class.  The implementation is system-dependent.
+ *
+ * Condition variables are paired up with mutexes.  Lock the mutex,
+ * call wait(), then either re-wait() if things aren't quite what you want,
+ * or unlock the mutex and continue.  All threads calling wait() must
+ * use the same mutex for a given Condition.
+ */
+class Condition {
+    Condition();
+    ~Condition();
+    // Wait on the condition variable.  Lock the mutex before calling.
+    status_t wait(Mutex& mutex);
+    // Wait on the condition variable until the given time.  Lock the mutex
+    // before calling.
+    status_t wait(Mutex& mutex, nsecs_t abstime);
+    // same with relative timeout
+    status_t waitRelative(Mutex& mutex, nsecs_t reltime);
+    // Signal the condition variable, allowing one thread to continue.
+    void signal();
+    // Signal the condition variable, allowing all threads to continue.
+    void broadcast();
+    void*   mState;
+ * Read/write lock.  The resource can have multiple readers or one writer,
+ * but can't be read and written at the same time.
+ *
+ * The same thread should not call a lock function while it already has
+ * a lock.  (Should be okay for multiple readers.)
+ */
+class ReadWriteLock {
+    ReadWriteLock()
+        : mNumReaders(0), mNumWriters(0)
+        {}
+    ~ReadWriteLock() {}
+    void lockForRead();
+    bool tryLockForRead();
+    void unlockForRead();
+    void lockForWrite();
+    bool tryLockForWrite();
+    void unlockForWrite();
+    int         mNumReaders;
+    int         mNumWriters;
+    Mutex       mLock;
+    Condition   mReadWaiter;
+    Condition   mWriteWaiter;
+#if defined(PRINT_RENDER_TIMES)
+    DurationTimer mDebugTimer;
+ * This is our spiffy thread object!
+ */
+class Thread : virtual public RefBase
+    // Create a Thread object, but doesn't create or start the associated
+    // thread. See the run() method.
+                        Thread(bool canCallJava = true);
+    virtual             ~Thread();
+    // Start the thread in threadLoop() which needs to be implemented.
+    virtual status_t    run(    const char* name = 0,
+                                int32_t priority = PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
+                                size_t stack = 0);
+    // Ask this object's thread to exit. This function is asynchronous, when the
+    // function returns the thread might still be running. Of course, this
+    // function can be called from a different thread.
+    virtual void        requestExit();
+    // Good place to do one-time initializations
+    virtual status_t    readyToRun();
+    // Call requestExit() and wait until this object's thread exits.
+    // BE VERY CAREFUL of deadlocks. In particular, it would be silly to call
+    // this function from this object's thread. Will return WOULD_BLOCK in
+    // that case.
+            status_t    requestExitAndWait();
+    // exitPending() returns true if requestExit() has been called.
+            bool        exitPending() const;
+    // Derived class must implemtent threadLoop(). The thread starts its life
+    // here. There are two ways of using the Thread object:
+    // 1) loop: if threadLoop() returns true, it will be called again if
+    //          requestExit() wasn't called.
+    // 2) once: if threadLoop() returns false, the thread will exit upon return.
+    virtual bool        threadLoop() = 0;
+    Thread& operator=(const Thread&);
+    static  int             _threadLoop(void* user);
+    const   bool            mCanCallJava;
+            thread_id_t     mThread;
+            Mutex           mLock;
+            Condition       mThreadExitedCondition;
+            status_t        mStatus;
+    volatile bool           mExitPending;
+    volatile bool           mRunning;
+            sp<Thread>      mHoldSelf;
+}; // namespace android
+#endif  // __cplusplus